Monday, January 21, 2013

The things we like to do

I was having a conversation with a friend, about our mutual friend Becca, who writes the most amazing blog.  We couldn't get over each of her wonderfully worded thought provoking, thoughtful and really well written entries.  How does she have time to write like this?  It came down to priorities.  High on Becca's priority list would be writing.  And that is how she has time during her hectic life to put beautiful words down on paper.

She asked me once how I have time to create and sew I didn't have an answer at the time but thinking about it now, my answer would be priority.  Creating and sewing is near the top of my priority list.  Mostly because I love it.  And it makes me happy.  Eventually, I would love some of the answer to be that it makes me money!  But that is not the current reason.

So everyday I make things, out of habit now, between cleaning, visiting, feeding, changing and a list of other things, I make time to create.  During the day I put off things like doing the dishes, sweeping and reducing clutter which allows me to have more time during the day to create but sometimes only an hour before my husband comes home I am in a mad panic to clean up!  So maybe tidying should get bumped up the list a little bit.

And this is how in the midst of trying to keep the members of my family happy and keep my house clean I have time to sew.

Starting this past autumn I have been working on these little mice, and this week I have put them in the shop!  It's very exiting to me because I love these little mice and I want to share them with you!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the link-up! :)

    yes, as we are headed back home tomorrow i'd like to change my priorities a bit too. i'd like to be slightly more organized, slightly more tidy, and i'd like to decorate our space to more beautiful and inviting. i still want to prioritize writing and of course my children, husband and friends but i need to find a healthier balance, need to embrace more whole-heartedly the tasks that keep us going each day.


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